How to have a successful study abroad at the BYU London Centre

There are a lot of things I wish I'd have known before coming on study abroad to BYU's London Centre. I had no idea what to expect, so I didn't know how to prepare for my study abroad. I wish I'd known what the food would be like, what stores were near the Centre, and …

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Northern England: Picturesque and Popular

Before departing on our trip to the North, we talked about the ideas of the sublime and picturesque. We also discussed popular culture and the ideas surrounding that. On our trip to York, Liverpool, and Ambleside, I noticed a lot of overlap between these ideas. Beatrix Potter's house was, to me, the most obvious example …

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Nature, History, and a Trip to Wales

This past week, my study abroad group took a three-day trip to Wales. Along our route, we visited Stonehenge, Stourhead, St. Fagan's, Tintern Abbey, Puzzlewood and other interesting culturally significant sites. Something I noticed that united my favorite sites was their unique combination of nature and history. My favorite site we visited on this trip …

Continue reading Nature, History, and a Trip to Wales